Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the first of 2011 and eighth weekly installment of our 149 138 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class. 

This week: Christina!
Wow, looks sunny there, where are you from?
Tacoma, WA

Quote from Wikipedia: "Tacoma is known for the smell caused by the Pulp mill, and the smell is called by non-locals 'the aroma of Tacoma.'" Sounds fantastic, we should all visit you soon... How did you end up at Ross?
well....I didn't make it into the state schools I applied to and instead of taking their recommendation to try again next year I thought I might try my luck in the Caribbean  :)

Hey it probably sounded better than Tacoma. What do you like most about the veterinary profession?
The versatility. I like keeping my options open.

Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
What's not to love? Sun, sand, water.....I'm pretty sure that's all I need to survive.

I think you are just happy to not live under the "aroma" from a pulp mill, your standards may be a bit low. Least Favorite?
Dealing with island time can be trying at times. 

That is more polite than I would have been, but agree. What do you miss most about home?
um....nothing really

Tacoma, WA everybody! What is the worst job you ever had? Was it at the Pulp mill?
I don't think I've ever had it all that bad. If I had to pick one though, it would be when I worked on a project extracting phosphorus from dairy wasn't even the poo that made the job crappy (hehe, "crappy"...get it?). It was just a lot of sitting around and waiting...BORING!

Waiting for the cow to poo? And you got paid? Not the worst job I've ever heard of. What breed of cat are you most like and why?
Just your typical stray mix. They seem to be low maintenance and pretty laid back.

And incredibly infested with parasites, I just found out. Who did you idolize while growing up and why?
I can't think of anyone in particular but when I was really little I had a bright pink and yellow hulk hogan night light that I loved....I guess you can consider him my idol at the time. Although, I'm pretty sure it was just because of his rockin' outfit  :)  and maybe the fact that I felt safer knowing The Hulk was keeping the dark away while I slept.

Anybody would sleep better knowing the Hulkster was watching over them. He probably took care of the "aroma" for you too. If you were a cruise ship tourist on a bus that was being robbed on Brimstone Hill, what would you do? Go all Hulkamania on them?
Probably nothing.... :(

The Hulkster would not approve, but you are probably right. You should leave the macho to the Y chromosomes. What's your idea of a perfect man?
Ha! trick question! we all know men aren't perfect :0

Touche. Speaking of Washington what is the best thing about a Walla Walla onion?
They taste amazing! You can eat them right off the grill. Yummm!

I agree, but I've never had them with a little "Tacoma aroma" pulp seasoning. Would that improve or take away from the flavor? What was the best part about going home for the holidays?
Snowboarding. Definitely snowboarding.

And I suppose you have to leave Tacoma to do that. Always a good decision. What is a guilty pleasure you cant live without?
Let me preface by saying I know I'm going to get weird looks for this one, but hot water. Tea if its handy but its not necessary, I'm just as happy with a mug of hot water.

See what living in the shadow of a Pulp mill will do to you? Where do you see yourself in 15 years? Not in Tacoma I hope...
I think that's pretty hard to predict, but hopefully I'll have earned my DVM and be successfully practicing. I would love to have lived and worked in several other countries by then with more to follow but we'll see what happens. One step at a time. I have to focus on the next three years first, then go from there.

Very level headed answer, maybe all this fresh Caribbean air is doing you some good! Thanks to Christina for taking the time for us. Check back soon for updates from Semester Olympics and Mr. RUSVM!

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