Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the first of 2011 and ninth weekly installment of our 149 138 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class. 

Be sure to check out the new designs in the Class Store after the interview!

This week: Jacqueline!

I assume you're the brunette on the right. Where are you from?
I was born in the small town of Port Chester, NY. Lived most of my childhood in Edgewood, MD and finally ended up in Miami, FL.

I'll assume you are a fan of the weather here then. How did you end up at Ross? Did you not want to go to the Minnesota or Wisconsin schools during the winter?
I always wanted to go to Ross for its accelerated program and told myself that if I did not get into vet school on my first try then they can eff off basically. Now here I am!

What do you like most about the veterinary profession?
Trying to figure out the diagnosis for a patient’s illness and playing with cuddly puppies and kittens OF COURSE!

Certainly the best part. What is your favorite thing about St. Kitts?
Its beauty! If you are an outdoor junkie, like myself, there is plenty to explore. Hiking, kayaking, sailing, beaching, and biking are just to name a few activities.

That is what keeps me coming back. Least Favorite?
There is not much I can say…. I know! Whenever there seems to be even a little downpour there is massive flood and mud slides all over the roads. Driving a minibus with holes and cracks near the floor (which is still kickass no matter what anybody says- you know who you are) you can get a nice refreshing splash here and there.

I hope everyone out there can appreciate this "vehicle". What do you miss most about home? Having floorboards in your car?
Nicaraguan food!!!! I miss going to La Fritanga and getting Cacao! If you haven’t tried Nicaraguan food you are missing out. My preference is not biased in any way because I’m Nica I promise. I also miss my babies Girlie, Curious George and Pinta. :’(

I love me some salty cheese and plantains. Being from Miami, is LeBron James a terrible person?
On the court… HELL NO BABY! Off the court I can care less as long as he is with the Miami Heat.

You must be one of those pre-LeDecision Heat fans. When was the last time you "took your talents to South Beach"?
Ha ha. All those nights are merely a blur now…. Long Islands will do that to ya!

I've never been down there but it looks like fun on TV. What is the best part about CSI: Miami? 
Nothing. Dexter is where it’s at!

"Well I guess you could say......(slowly puts on sunglasses) are really 'slain' by Dexter".....YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
Florida oranges vs. California oranges. Discuss.
I know for a FACT that Floridian oranges are sweeter! California is full of hippies that probably use weed as fertilizer since there is so much being grown there. My theory is that it must interfere with the taste of their oranges… not that I would personally know how weed affects the taste of food.

Boom! Did you hear that Californians?! Take that for legalizing marijuana for medical purposes. What is the worst job you ever had?
My worst job was working for the slave driver known as Target. I was 16 and it was my first job. Child labor laws weren’t recognized by them back in 2003 I guess because I would go in around 4 pm and get out at 3 am on a regular basis. I would have to stay so late closing because the rude customers from Miami all have the urge to mess up everything and anything that looks neat. Studies have been done to prove this. Overall, I was getting too much crap for s****y pay.

Booooo, I like Target. Plus, child labor is what makes their prices so reasonable. Who did you idolize while growing up and why? 
Mother Theresa for her great contribution to humanity. I wish I could be as selfless as she was.

I bet that if Mother Theresa worked at Target, she wouldn't complain. Just going to throw that one back for you to think about before you go and slander the name of the greatest superstore on the planet. If you were a cruise ship tourist on a bus that was being robbed on Brimstone Hill, what would you do?
I would have handed over my Monopoly money that I always carry on hand. That would have definitely fooled them.

It bears a striking resemblance to the EC bills, good strategy. Also, I am sure Mother Theresa would approve of the crafty non-violence. What's your idea of a perfect man?
My perfect man is a mute who knows how to cook and clean up after himself. OH THAT’S RIGHT, I WENT THERE

Take that men! I bet she really had you roped in with that swimsuit picture above. Favorite activity you did over Christmas break?
I went to a shooting range over break and got to shoot at some zombie targets! I saved one of my target posters because there were multiple clean shots to the groin that I am very proud of. I hang my prize on my front door to deter criminal activity and Jehovah’s witnesses from coming over.

And also to deter your dates from trying to get frisky with you. I can't tell whether our male readers will be incredibly attracted or scared off. What is a guilty pleasure you cant live without?
Video games! What can I say; I am an Xbox 360 kind of girl….

And you have the guys again. Plus, I really couldn't have guessed that based on your zombie shooting hobby. Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
I find myself working in private practice in small animal medicine. At this point I hope to co-own a clinic with a friend whom is a mixed animal practitioner. Location is to be determined but California, New York, and North Carolina look promising. I also see myself married with 2-4 children if I am to be so lucky.  No matter the age, I will always make time to go to concerts. My kids will be able to relate to the NOFX song- “What’s the matter with Parents…”

I think that would be a nice compromise between "nun" and "zombie hunter". Thanks go to Jackie for all her input this week!

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