Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the first of 2011 and tenth weekly installment of our 149 138 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class.

This week: Jess!

Where are you from?
Vandalia, OH.. It's a small suburb of the DYT!

Also home to the Wright-Patterson AF Base. Everyone should check out their air show at least once in their lifetime, it is the best. 

How did you end up at Ross?
I really liked the accelerated program.. I'm not getting any younger here :P

What do you like most about the veterinary profession?
I love the many job opportunities that will be available when I graduate! So many people are having trouble finding jobs with their degrees.. It gives me peace of mind knowing I will find a job doing what I'm passionate about, and be able to pay my student loans all at the same time  =)

Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
Watching the sun rise every morning while taking out my island pup, Nokie <3 

Least Favorite?
I really miss my pup at home, Emma =( 

Emma would not be happy with you cheating on her. What else do you miss most about home?
Being able to laugh with my family... I really miss being able to relax and enjoy their company

Give me your pick for the Superbowl including final score:

Honestly I don't really care.. but hopefully the score is close b/c it makes it way more exciting!

Sorry, we have a no fence sitting policy here. Let me simplify this for you. Which is a better product: Steel or Cheese?
Cheese, duh! It's a main component of my diet! You can eat it on anything!!

BOOM! Take that Pittsburgh fans! Jess says cheese is superior to your steel. While we are talking about it, what is the best Superbowl snack food?
Food is all I care about on Superbowl sundays!!(shocker) My favorite is taco dip!! mmm mmm! 

What is your biggest personality flaw? Is it not caring about our nations greatest sport?
I get REALLY easily distracted.... [its taking me forever to finish these questions] I know it's annoying to friends and especially my boyfriend when we are out somewhere and I can't help but not pay attention...oops! 

I'm sorry, what were we talking about? I can't remember. Next question. What is the worst job you ever had?
Working for my grandma at her horse farm (although I really miss seeing the horses everyday).. Family drama only escalates when you have to work with each other! 

Plus Grandmas are notorious taskmasters. Especially if they own horse farms. Who did you idolize while growing up and why?
My dad (awww) I've always been a daddy's girl =)  He is the most selfless person I've ever known, he always worked long hours at a crappy job to make sure my brother and I  had everything we needed =)

 Sounds like a better choice than Horse Farm Grandma. What's your idea of a perfect man?
It's pretty simple.. make me laugh, have a positive outlook on life, don't lie, don't talk down to me and don't cheat me =) Other than that I don't mind imperfections b/c I have tons of them! 

That is by far the most rational answer so far, better than Jackie's deaf-mute last week. Favorite activity you did over Christmas break?
Waking up with NO ALARM CLOCK!! Oh and eating tons of amazing food!!

I'm sure that answer will lead nicely into our next question: What is a guilty pleasure you cant live without?

PIZZA! I think I have a problem...basically every meal is somewhat based around or includes pizza in some way =)=)=) ( Last week I ate something pizza related 5 days out of 7.. ha ha)

I am not even going to take the bait and post a delicious pizza picture. Lets end it with this, where do you see yourself in 15 years?
I want to have a family by working happily in a small town mixed animal practice, living out west (Montana or Colorado?) on a lot of land where I can have a couple horses, some fainting goats, a few ATVs, and where my pups and kids can run around anywhere they want =) 

Definitely Montana. That picture is exactly why Montana is so cool (featuring the official VIP of Almost Vets). Thanks for letting us get to know you more Jess!

Make sure and check out all the sweet t-shirts that are for sale on island, they are posted on the bulletin board nearest you!

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