Thursday, March 10, 2011

Semester Black Update

In lieu of a spotlight this week, we wanted to take care of a few announcements and let everybody know the fund raising and semester Olympics plan as we move forward.

First, "Selection Sunday" is this week and with it comes the Madness of March. For the NCAA tournament we will be hosting a Bracket Pick 'em Challenge for the campus and for anybody else who wants to send in their entries. First prize is $300EC and entry fee is $20EC, see the flier below:

Second, just wanted to say thanks again to everyone that helped out with our more recent Jerk Pork bake sale. As we said, it went extremely well and it couldn't have happened without all of your food contributions and especially those that gave up time to help serve. 

We will be hosting one more event, in addition to the Bracket Challenge, which will be on April 2nd and be the last big event before finals. It is going to essentially be a beach event centered around a Corn Hole tournament, with specials on food and local beverages. If you have any ideas to help make it better we would love to hear about it.

Finally, its time to start thinking about Semester Olympics in May. We had an extremely strong showing in terms of attendance and participation in all events, most events we had the most attend of any semester. This time we want to build on that and hopefully have plenty of athletic success to go along with it. Last semester we ended up in 4th place overall after a couple disappointing last second losses in Ultimate Frisbee and Flag Football. Since first place earns $1000US for the semester, we have vowed to be a little more organized in how the teams operate. Each event will be assigned a team captain and they will be responsible for organizing the team to give us the best chance to win. The events are going to be Ultimate, Football, Soccer, and Volleyball so email Brandon ( if you want to volunteer. This time we will have "winning" teams with Tiger Blood and Adonis DNA.

Also, we are going to be taking care of shirts earlier to avoid that fiasco again. Ordering will take place over the next couple weeks, shirts are $40EC again, and we have the design ready to go:

So we'll finish it off with a photo compilation from last semester's events generously provided by Jackie!

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