Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

We're back! Too much studying and bake sales to take away from our weekly Wednesday article. To the column!

This is the twelfth weekly installment of our 138 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class.

This week: Brendan!

Where are you from?
Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (FYI, Pittsburgh was recently named America's Most Livable City, so boo-yah)

I'm not sure I can verify that claim, are you sure you didn't read that in the Onion? Lets get the regular questions out of the way: How did you end up at Ross?
My Boss and another Vet at my old clinic both are Ross Grads and really sold me on this place. They both are incredible Vets, so I was excited when I got accepted because I knew I was going to get a great education.

What do you like most about the veterinary profession?

Most people have such a strong bond with their pets and often treat the animals like they are members of the family. To me, it would be pretty gratifying as a Vet to help heal these animals when they are sick so that they can continue to enhance the life of their owners.

Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
Not having to deal with snow at all. Western Pennsylvania usually gets dumped on pretty bad so I'm happy I don't have to shovel my truck out or shovel the sidewalk. Also, having round-a-bouts is the greatest thing ever. I'm going to write a letter to the mayor of Pittsburgh to see if he can just remove all traffic lights and put round-a-bouts in.

If you like the ones here, wait till you visit "The Magic Roundabout". I was so excited, I peed a little when I drove through it. Least Favorite?

Cost of living sucks here, potholes everywhere, scary-ass hospital, the smell of formalin, Brian Krisko

Does Brian always look at you that way? I can see where you are coming from. What do you miss most about home?

My family means a lot to me so its tough being away from them. Besides missing them, I really miss my truck. It sucks going from a Dodge pickup to a 95 Toyota Corolla (even though I got the Sweetest rims on the island)

I just have to ask a Pittsburghian, how orgasmic is a Primanti Bros sandwich?

Words cannot do this sandwich justice, but I'll try. If you like big, sloppy, greasy sandwiches, then this is the food for you. You can get meats like capicola and steak which are placed between two fresh made slices of italian bread and topped with tomato, cheese and....wait for it....fresh cut french fires and coleslaw. You can also add a fried egg to it, which only makes the sandwich that more awesome. When I die, there better be a Primanti's in heaven. Or in hell, I really can't tell which way I'm headin.

It looks like this sandwich will help you get there sooner, wherever it is. Also, I want one. Or three. What is your biggest personality flaw besides clogged arteries?

I'd say my maturity level isn't where it should be, especially since I'm in medical school now. I'm hoping one day that I'll just wake up and start sounding more professional and not laugh at fart jokes like some high schooler. Probably not going to happen though.

So which Office character are you most like?(since you are from PA)
Probably Dwight, because I can describe myself in three words: Hard working, Alpha Male, Jackhammer. 

I had you pinned as the Nard Dog, but I suppose I'll buy it, you would make an excellent Assistant (to the) Regional Manager. What is the worst job you ever had?
Worst job I ever had was when I was 16 and worked as a caddy for a private country club. Usually I had to carry two, fully equipped golf bags for 18 holes in the hot summer sun. The pay was terrible and the golfers barely tipped. I had to fight the urge to throw their bags in the lake at times.

So that's where you got those guns and your farmers tan, I wouldn't call it a total waste. If you could be any animal what would you be and why? Would you be a black bear?
Without a doubt, a Velociraptor. Greatest animal of all time and I'm fairly certain they live here on this island up in the rainforests, which excites me. I have a terribly, unhealthy obsession with Jurassic Park.

I'm just saying that we can't prove that they aren't there, hence why you do not find doors like the one above on this island. Also it explains the security bars on everyones windows, why else would you need them? Who did you idolize while growing up and why?
Like every white trash child growing up, I loved Hulk Hogan. He was more American than apple pie and always preached good morals to kids. Plus, I was the coolest kid at school because I had him on my lunch box.

Any excuse to put the Hulkster back up here. Favorite activity you did over Christmas break?

I was able to spend New Years Eve/Day in Erie, Pennsylvania where my undergrad, Mercyhurst, is located with a bunch of my friends who I haven't seen since graduation. Did a lot of catching-up and had a couple of drinks. Good times.

If you were starting a band who would be in it and what would be your band name?

On lead vocals: Me, just because I can't play any instruments and I can hit those Mariah Carey-like high notes 
Lead guitar: Dr. St. Jean ( that way we could get a lot of girls to come see us play)

Drums: Animal from the Muppets (that furry lil guy could play a mean drum)
Electric Clarinet: Kenny G (just kidding....but seriously)
The name of our band would be "Gubernaculum"

That needs to happen. What is another guilty pleasure you can't live without(besides the euro-mullet)?

This is going to sound strange, but I cannot live without milk. Back home, I can go through up to 3 gallons a week. Down here, its the greatest day ever when I can find milk that isn't about to expire the next day. I should probably become a Bovine practitioner and just have my clients pay me in milk.

Cosign that idea. I would also make a trip once a month to a chicken farm so I could get some wings. Where do you see yourself in 15 years?

Hopefully in 15 years I'll have a ton of clinical experience under my belt. I definitely want to move into academia in the future and teach some undergrad (or even graduate) level veterinary courses. I think Professor Cloonan has a nice ring to it, don't you? 

Well, once the Guy retires we will need someone to take his place. Play your cards right, get the right hairstyle, and you will be set! Thanks for taking the time today Brendan.
Just as a reminder to everyone, our last "bakesale" is tomorrow so be sure and leave your lunch box at home and come support us by Shak Shak.

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