Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the second weekly installment of our 149 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class. 

This week: Jon!

Where are you from?
Howard Beach, NY 

How did you end up at Ross?
Most of the Vets I worked for all came to Ross and they spoke highly of the school. 

What do you like most about the veterinary profession?
There are so many things that you can do in the profession and it’s a combination of working with people and animals.

Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
The weather! Not many other vet students can go to the beach right after classes.

Yeah but they also don't have to wear SPF 50 all day like me some people I know. Least favorite?
I’m not too sure how I feel about the slow pace of things and I still can’t figure out this whole milk situation. Every time I buy milk it goes bad like a day later!

Definitely too hot for milk here. If you were going (hypothetically) to skip school for a day, how would you spend it?
Anything outdoors- beach, hike, beach bar….

Since it is Halloween this week what was your best Halloween costume?
I made a pretty awesome Ronald McDonald last year.

That one could net you a lot of candy. Or frighten children. What is the best "fun" sized candy bar to get?

Who was your first crush and how awesome was she(or he, I don't judge)?
Pink power ranger!!! She was awesome.

I assume you mean Amy Jo Johnson with Pterodactyl/Crane morph power? Classy choice. Describe your fighting style:
I’m a lover not a fighter…

Now we know why it didn't work out with the Pink Ranger. What was your favorite job before vet school?
Working at the Bronx zoo- kind of always been my dream job.

Bet you have worked with a ton of different animals. Which farm animal would you be and why?
Donkey – they have a mind of their own… stubborn animals!

What do you miss the most about home?
My girlfriend, friends and family… Oh yeah and fast food.

Speaking of NY fast food: What is the most important ingredient on a pizza?
The cheese makes the pizza!

Everybody seems to love cheese around here. On a scale of 1 to Ben Roethlisberger, how was your last Friday night out?
Awesome. Vet school makes me appreciate my weekends

Many thanks to Jon for taking the time. Good luck on your test today!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Semester T-Shirt Vote


It is up to all of you to decide our first semester t-shirt, see the poll in the sidebar to vote. As most of you know our color is black, so that will be the base for our design but the rest will be up to the poll. Here are the submissions we received:

-"Shake and Bake" on the front with "That just happened on the back"

-The Rolling Stones song "paint it black". Words on the front, Stones logo on back.

-Things I Learned in Vet School:
"Rape is not a sexually deviant kind of plant everyone!" -Naylor
"Don't lick an unknown mineral block on the ground in mexico." -Naylor
"And what is Insulin telling Hormone Sensitive Lipase? Insulin is telling it to shut the f*** up!!!...or inhibit it." -Dr. Reich

-"Melanistic Perfection" (pigment joke!)

-Tuxedo t-shirts and on the back write "We're here to be doctors, but we're also here to party"

-"I'm not a tourist, i live here" on front, then the St Kitts logo on the back.

-“Meat is Murder. Tasty, tasty murder.”

Voting ends in a week, tell us what you want!

Friday, October 22, 2010

St. Christopher Children’s Home 5K and walk

We asked one of your fellow classmates to report on her experience at this fundraiser last month. It was simple act for a good cause and many students and teachers from Ross were among the participants. Apparently this is slated to become an annual event so we hope to see you all out at the Marriott golf course next year. Take it away Elizabeth:

“Running the first annual St. Kitts 5K!”


“This was a fun little 5K around the golf course to support the St. Christopher Children’s Home, a local orphanage. The run started out with a quick warm-up including a little jogging in place and some balance exercises, then we’re off! The course was a lot of fun and bit of a challenge due to the relentless humidity. The rain sat elusively off in the distance, teasing us with only a few drops. Personally, I have not run a 5 K in at least 5 years, but it still felt good to sprint in those last 50 meters or so to the finish line.”


“Afterward, we all partook in the barbeque while the trophies were handed out and Kim Collins, a previous “World’s Fastest Man” and a native Kittitian, was there to shake hands and take pictures (very nice guy, by the way). In all, a fun day (not to mention productive, $100 000EC raised for the children’s home!) and I look forward to next year’s race!”

Check out more from SKNVibes, our favorite online newspaper, here.

If you would like to contribute to site, report on an event you attended, or have some fun experiences to share, please send them to us at

TGIF Everybody!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the first weekly installment of our 149 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class. 

This week: Stephanie!

Where are you from? 
I am from Phillipsburg, NJ

How did you end up at Ross?
I applied to state schools for 3 years in a row and was not accepted. This past year I applied to Ross and St. Georges and was accepted to both and chose Ross because of accelerated program. 

What do you like most about the veterinary profession? 
I love the diversity the profession has. There are so many different branches and specialties. You never know what you are going to see every day. :)

What do you like the least?
The part I like the least are the people that feel that just because they are animals the cost should be free or cheap and that it doesn't matter what kind of care they get because they aren't human.

Dog or Cat?
I love both cats and dogs, but I am more of a cat person.

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
If I could be any animal I would definitely want to be a house cat. Who wouldn't want to lay around all day and get pampered and your meals brought to you?

Speaking of which, what would I find in your refrigerator right now?
There is some iced tea, ting, carrots, apples, bread, cheese, and turkey in my fridge right now. I know, not very exciting.

I hear Ting and I think party. What is the last book you read?
The last book I read was Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Terrible movie but the book seems to have fans. Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
I love the weather down here in St. Kitts. I am always cold so I love the hot weather.

Least Favorite?
My least favorite thing is how slow things are. I grew up in a very fast paced family, everyone always had somewhere to be. It's annoying and nice at the same time to be forced to slow down.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional. with whom would it be?
I would probably pick someone from the Victorian age. I just really love the dresses they used to wear.

If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?
I have no idea why anyone would right a bibliography about me but I think a good title would be "How to Have Huge Debt but Love What You Do." I am sure that goes for most veterinarian students though.

Subtitle: I should have gone to medical school, they get paid more. If you were a type of food, what type of food would you be?
I don't know if I would want to be food since you don't really live long, but I really love cheese. Everything can always be made better with cheese.

Personally, I would be a delicious Ting. What makes you angry? Is it cheese related?
Stupidity and rudeness make me extremely angry.

Point taken. What was your best MacGuyver moment?
It would probably be using a paperclip the break into the climate control units at my last job. They always made it really cold in there.

I think I saw that episode. What is the best part of a sandwich?
The best part of a sandwich is the cheese!

Many thanks to Stephanie, see you all again next week! 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Class Store

Our class store has arrived! Just in time for the pre-Halloween Christmas sales, we have opened a swag shop for everybody back home in the states. Just follow the link on the side bar, or click here.
Be sure to check back frequently as we will be adding new products and designs. If you have any special requests for a product or for large orders, please email us at

All of the proceeds from this store and donations go towards our 7th Semester Banquet and Graduation activities. Support our class!

In the photo below, spot the lion! The first five people to email with the correct answer will receive a one-time 15% discount coupon for the store. Click on the picture below and good luck!

Photo submitted by our resident African, Tamsin Prince.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Running Start........Straight into a Hurricane!

Welcome all to our new class website! Your student representatives have created this blog as a way for all of us to keep our collective loved ones in touch. We will be expecting plenty of contributions from fellow classmates to report on special events, classes, weekend activities, and general island life. Ultimately we hope this will help bridge the gap (1747 miles to NYC as the crow flies) and connect all of us budding veterinarians to all of you who support us at home.

Along with frequent updates, we will be posting our class calender to keep us all on schedule for upcoming academic, fund raising, and leisure events (that means no excuses for missing out!). Soon we will have a photo feed up where the class can give you all a taste of all the studying we are doing, and don't forget to look out for the fund raising button and class store (coming soon!) to help us raise money for future class events. Watch this space and stay in touch!

Of course we are already 1/3 of the way through our very first semester and it is flying by. Orientation, the start of classes, and our first few tests are now in the books so we will do our best to quickly catch everybody up:

Orientation provided us with a many different experiences as we all tried to get settled. Island tours, local shops, car buying, new apartments, and of course Earl arrived just after all of us:

That was the first hurricane for most and hopefully it will be the last for this year at least, they can really ruin your Sunday afternoon (read: flood your apartment). 

MAC got us all sorted out before classes started so thankfully none of us ended up here:

and everybody got a pretty good look at the island, history, and culture before the semester.

It was a hot sunny day (as opposed to?) for our official welcome into Ross University. We all look pretty sharp in our white coats. Also note our well rested faces and bright smiles, I don't think we will be seeing those again until finals are done.

We are looking forward to the future and collectively everyone is excited for the challenges that will come and the success that inevitably follows (positive thinking!). We hope all of you will be able to join us on this journey and share all of the fun along the way.