Friday, October 22, 2010

St. Christopher Children’s Home 5K and walk

We asked one of your fellow classmates to report on her experience at this fundraiser last month. It was simple act for a good cause and many students and teachers from Ross were among the participants. Apparently this is slated to become an annual event so we hope to see you all out at the Marriott golf course next year. Take it away Elizabeth:

“Running the first annual St. Kitts 5K!”


“This was a fun little 5K around the golf course to support the St. Christopher Children’s Home, a local orphanage. The run started out with a quick warm-up including a little jogging in place and some balance exercises, then we’re off! The course was a lot of fun and bit of a challenge due to the relentless humidity. The rain sat elusively off in the distance, teasing us with only a few drops. Personally, I have not run a 5 K in at least 5 years, but it still felt good to sprint in those last 50 meters or so to the finish line.”


“Afterward, we all partook in the barbeque while the trophies were handed out and Kim Collins, a previous “World’s Fastest Man” and a native Kittitian, was there to shake hands and take pictures (very nice guy, by the way). In all, a fun day (not to mention productive, $100 000EC raised for the children’s home!) and I look forward to next year’s race!”

Check out more from SKNVibes, our favorite online newspaper, here.

If you would like to contribute to site, report on an event you attended, or have some fun experiences to share, please send them to us at

TGIF Everybody!

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