Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the sixth weekly installment of our 149 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class. 

This week: Kelly!

I should begin by warning you about the demon that appears to be living in your cat. Where are you from?
San Francisco

Finally a Left-Coaster! How did you end up at Ross?
I worked in SF exploring a variety of professions. A coworker of mine ended up here and it sounded like a good fit for me too.

And what do you like most about the veterinary profession?
Vets are primary care physicians, dentists, surgeons and our patients are, for the most part, cute and fluffy. What is better then that?

Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
The drunken monkeys. My machete.


I hope all of our male readers are taking notes. Least Favorite?
The Miss Kitty slot machine at the Marriott. I’ve lost about $100 US and only won 0.05 cents in a voucher that I couldn’t even redeem. But I cant stop playing it. Its like my crack.

Obsessed with the only feline based slot machine in the casino? I am getting a little bit of the "cat person" vibe from you right now. (Side note: Parents should be aware that going to vet school does not involve gambling student loan money away nor does it involve spending that money on "crack" cocaine.) What do you miss most about home?
The food!

Since it is Thanksgiving, I am going to refrain from posting gratuitous fast food pics this week. If you could start your own restaurant, what would it be?
Since I almost went culinary school I’ve actually given this one some thought. I’d like a little place with local food from my garden and a decent classic cocktail list.

Spoken like a true San Franciscan. I have yet to meet someone from SF that doesn't like cooking and gardening. What is your favorite hobby?
Cooking, reading, playing with kittens.

Now everybody loves pictures of cute kittens, no matter where you are from. Who was your first kiss with and how awesome was it?
Spin the bottle. 5th Grade. I thought it was awesome. He thought not and told me so.

That's probably the best part about kittens, they don't judge when you go through awkward adolescent years. Also, it is probably a good thing you didn't have a machete back then. What is a guilty pleasure you cant live without?
Cat videos on you tube.

...and I just spent the last 40 mins caught in that trap. Probably a good idea to avoid that endless stream of YouTube videos. When you do get out, what is your idea of a romantic evening?
Good drinks, good food, a walk on the beach. Then we talk about kittens and there is a shooting star.

Sounds like a dream date for all the machete wielding cat lovers out there. What is your biggest personality flaw?
Well I know it isn't my love of kittens, that’s for sure.

Of course not, but how many kittens are too many kittens?
Is this a trick question?

More of a philosophical one, but either way you should probably check out this article. We will go out on this one: Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
Practicing at an all cat practice in SF!

I think we all can see you there too. Now, play us off Keyboard Cat!

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody! See you next week!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the fifth weekly installment of our 149 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class. 

This week: Keith!

Where are you from?
Dillon, South Carolina

Ooooh, kind of like the SC version of the Texas town in Friday Night Lights? Good movie. How did you end up at Ross?

A few friends from college (Clemson University) came here and had great things to say. Tried for 3 years to get into a continental school but was unsuccessful (could not be happier about that).

What do you like most about the veterinary profession? 
The feeling of success and completion after taking a problem and, as a team, applying your skill and knowledge and thereby finding a solution which improves not only the quality of life of the animal but also the lives of the people that that animal touches throughout the rest of his/her life.

What makes a successful RUSVM student? 
Honesty and teamwork

Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
The volcano, the beaches, and one beautiful girl in particular.

Do you mean Trevicia Adams, winner of the 2010 Miss St. Kitts pagaent and the federation's representative at the recent Miss Global International Beauty Pageant? I see you have been taking in the scenery here. Least Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
Lack of Wendy's triple cheeseburgers

I think we all miss those. What do you miss most about home? And please don't make me post more pictures of delicious fast food...
Zaxby's chicken wings

I need to change the subject away from food. What breed of dog are you most like and why?
Siberian Husky - I whine a lot at times and when I'm sick I am the biggest pansy. I love the cold and I have a big heart.

Cuddly choice. Who was your first kiss with and how awesome was it?
Brandi Arnett in K-5. Not only did we both get sent to the principal's office but my nickname from that point on was "Hot Lips".

Ha! That would also be a great WWE alter ego. If you were to perform in the circus, what would you do and why?
Ring leader - I am an Alpha.

Sure you are, Hot Lips. Describe your fighting style.
I'm a lover not a fighter

Exactly my point. If you were a cruise ship tourist on a bus that was being robbed on Brimstone Hill, what would you do?
Ask for a picture with the all of the gunman for my scrapbook

That would make for fantastic vacation memories. Also, no one reading is surprised to find out that you scrapbook. Describe your perfect Sunday.
Sleep in, ice cream for breakfast. Buffalo chicken dip, football, then beach. More football with steak and spicy buffalo wings. Finally ice cream just before bed.

Incidentally, that is also the answer to "How do you keep your gf/wife happy on a Sunday while still watching a ton of football?" What is a guilty pleasure you can't live without?
Ice cream and people watching

I am so hungry now, one more question and then its snack time. Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
After making billions of dollars and not only paying off my student loans but all the loans of my fellow classmates, I volunteer my expert surgical experience in 3rd world countries all over the world while teaching the locals the importance of proper animal care and husbandry. 

Many thanks to "Hot Lips" Keith for taking the time and for the future dollars, its nice to not have to worry about the money anymore!

See you all next week!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What to Sell?

Now that we have our semester t-shirt worked out and in the process of getting printed, we want to get an idea of what shirts to sell for a fundraiser. Below are listed several approved designs and we need to know what you guys want/think will sell the best. Initially we will be offering two t-shirts for sale to all students and staff at the campus on St. Kitts so vote for your favorite. We plan on offering different designs in future semesters but all the designs are available to the USA 24/7 through our online store. For large orders or for special requests that you can't find in our store, please contact us ( so that we can make it happen. On to the vote!

Shirt 1: "Command+S the Animals"
Alternate Title: "Mac-using Veterinarians Are Way More Hipster Than Windows-Vets"
- front: image shown below
- back: blank or simple "RUSVM"

Shirt 2: "Vet School Makes Me Hungry" or
"Systematically Alienate Any and All Vegetarians/PETA Sympathizers"
- front: image shown below
- back: blank

Shirt 3: "Donkeys Don't Have Excuses...What's Yours" or
"My T-Shirt Just Made Fun of How Bad You Smell"
- front: image shown below

- back: image shown below

Shirt 4: "Hold Your Horses" or
"Clever Wordplay for Cutesy Horse People"
- front: image shown below
- back: blank or "RUSVM" text

Shirt 5: "Hurricane Golf Polo" or
"Sometimes Vets Dress Classy"
- front: image shown below on chest pocket of a Dri-fit or similar material golf polo shirt
- back: blank

Shirt 6: "I Washed My Hands Today" or
"Pregnancy Checking vs. Anal Glands. Discuss"
- front: image shown below
- back: blank

Shirt 7: "Zombies Surgery Ruined This Shirt" or
"Don't Let PETA See This"
- front: image shown below
- back: blank

Shirt 8: "Double Awesome Vet School" or
- front: image shown below
- back: blank (could you really handle a design on the back????)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the fourth weekly installment of our 149 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class. 

This week: Janelle!

Where are you from?
Hermitage, Pennsylvania aka Pennsyltucky. It is a small town in Western PA, located an hour north of Pittsburgh

You say small, but did you know that by area Hermitage is actually the 3rd largest city in PA?(Also, I like that one of the high school mascots is a "Hickory Hornet", it sounds impressive. Thanks Wikipedia!) How did you end up at Ross?
I applied to all the Caribbean schools and was accepted to all, but I chose Ross because of the accelerated courses and the hands on experience (generic response).

Two can play that game:(generic question) Favorite thing about St. Kitts? 

That the number "Three" no longer exists, it is now "Tree".

Least Favorite?

I dislike how the buses drive soooo fast, one almost killed me. 

Yeah, they go about tree times the speed limit. What do you miss most about home? 
My sister and my cat named Pizza. And real pizza too!

I am not sure what is more hilarious: the fact that you made a birthday card for your cat or that he has a middle name. So if you could start your own restaurant, would it sell a lot of pizza? 

I would open a pastery shop because I have a HUGE sweet tooth and I enjoy baking. Also, I love the shows Ace of Cakes and Cake Boss, their cakes are amazing.

And the Cake Boss host is fairly dashing. Who was your first kiss with and how awesome was it?

My dog. It was pretty sloppy and I liked it. But seriously, it was when I was in 5th grade I kissed an experienced 6th grader under my friends ping pong table. Sparks were flying. Just kidding it was horrible and awkward.

I remember when I was in 5th grade and a 6th grader stole my girlfriend. I suppose girls are suckers for older men. Also, how did you end up together underneath a ping pong table??? That could be a whole story by itself.
Which animal would you be and why?
Definitely a poison dart frog because they're badass and they do it froggy style. Whatever the hell that is. 

Because this is a family column, I am afraid to comment on "froggy style." Is there a place where you wouldn't be caught dead?(and is the answer underneath a ping pong table?)
Naked on the Strip at tree in the morning. No explanation needed.

Wow, this interview just took a turn for the evocative. Side Note: Do not Google Image search the term "Naked on the Strip." Where is the best place to go camping and why? 
My backyard because if you had to tinkle you can just run inside rather than squatting behind a bush.

Maybe a little descriptive but I like the forward planning. Who is your celebrity crush?
John Travolta! Embarrassing confession, I have his picture framed in my bedroom back in the states. Danny Zuko in tight leather pants gets me hot and bothered.  

Is it just me, or does the Cake Boss look like a forty-something Zuko? Just for a second imagine that after Grease(Grease 2 never happened!) Danny settled down somewhere in Jersey, ditched the car racing/gangs/smoking and started baking (and eating) a lot of cake, but never lost his flair for performing. 25 years later he ends up with a TV show about making cakes right? I am just saying we have never seen the Cake Boss and John Travolta in the same place so I can't rule it out. What is a guilty pleasure you can't live without?(Is the answer Danny Zuko?) 
Eating candy of any kind, especially while studying.

Did you ever try the Spice Girls official candy? Which Spice Girl would you be and why? 
Baby Spice because no one can rock the high pigtails with bangs better than her.

Oh, Emma Bunton. You wouldn't believe how long it took me to find an appropriate picture of her. Lets change the subject before I get hot and bothered. Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
Married and knocked up at least tree times, with a successful practice, a house in the country with a lot of land and a variety of pets. Oh and a white picket fence.

Classic American dream. Many thanks to Janelle for her participation especially right before a test. Now if you will excuse me, with all this talk of Baby Spice, cakes, Danny Zuko, froggy style, and ping pong tables, I need to go take a cold shower...

Good Luck on Nutrition!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the third weekly installment of our 149 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class. 

This week: Kendra!

Where are you from?
I am from New Rochelle, New York. But since no one seems to know where that is lets just say I live in the suburbs right outside New York City. Lol.

Another New Yorker! There must be a lot of people there or something. How did you end up at Ross?
I ended up at Ross after being rejected from the other schools I applied to in the states. NOBODY WANTED ME!!!! TEAR!!!!! 

What do you like most about the veterinary profession?
I like the variety of jobs that you can get after getting a DVM degree. None of them sound boring so you know each and everyday no matter what you choose to do it will be interesting.

Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
My favorite thing about Saint Kitts is the currency rate. A few US dollars can go a long way down here. And of course the weather.

Its all about the Elizabeths. Least Favorite?
My least favorite thing about Saint Kitts is how early the sun goes down. Normally that only hopes during a certain time of year in the states. Here thats an everyday thing.

What do you miss most about home?
I miss my family and the FOOD! I've been craving a Big Mac and the Outbacks Bloomin Onion for weeks now.

I think everybody just drooled a little bit. Who is the person you respect most, and why?
I respect my mom the most. She always knows what to say when I need to hear it. And she's always gone above and beyond to make sure that I have as best a life as possible.

If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
If I could be any animal in the world it would be a Killer Whale. Hands down. I love them and my other dream job was to work as a trainer and do the live shows with them at Sea World for hundreds of people.
They are the Chuck Norris of the seas, excellent choice. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to, and why?
I don't think I would want to change my name. I mean, its not the most unique these days but its still a name a lot of people don't have or hear too often. I mean, I am the only Kendra currently in the school. I think. And possibly the island. So, I don't want to give that up. If anything I would just want a cool nickname other then Ken, thats for a boy. Not a girl.
I didn't even think to call you that, but now you have a new nickname Ken. Are you better than boys at video games?
I AM WAY BETTER AT VIDEO GAMES THEN GUYS. Or at least all the guys I have gone up against. I am the proud owner of a PS3, Wii, and PSP. Sadly, I wasn't able to bring any of that down with me this semester so its been awhile since I have played. So I might be a little rusty, but I will be making up for my lack of playing during the break. I always feel like if it doesn't work out with me being a vet I will become a video game tester/ designer or something. I'm just good at them like that and they're something I enjoy doing.
Time spent playing video games is inversely related with high grades at vet school so its probably a good thing you don't have them all here. Which Backstreet Boy is your favorite?
My favorite Backstreet Boy was Aj. He was like the dangerous one who was just wild and crazy, I loved it, you could just tell things would never be boring hanging out with him. And to top it all off he was still a pretty good singer.

Yeah he is. Wasn't he the one who ended up in rehab? Definitely not boring. I'm guessing he was your first crush?
My first crush was.............when I was 8 and I was crushing on my moms friend son. Who was like 5 years older. He was just so cool being a teenager and I was still a young girl. His name was Cj. And I'm still friends with him today. But of course those crush feelings are all gone.

He doesn't sound as wild and crazy, I'm not sure I like him as much as AJ. Also, I am thinking you have a thing for guys with two letter names ending in J. What was your best MacGyver moment?
Ummmm who is MacGyver? I honestly don't know.

Wow. You are missing out Ken. To wrap it up tell us what goal you want to accomplish the most in your lifetime?
The greatest goal in my lifetime would be to live a long life with my good friends and families surrounding me. Get married and start a family of my own all while enjoying life and Thanking God for everyday that he continues to give me of it.

Many thanks to Kendra for taking time away from her studying this week. Enjoy the test and good luck everybody!