Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the fourth weekly installment of our 149 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class. 

This week: Janelle!

Where are you from?
Hermitage, Pennsylvania aka Pennsyltucky. It is a small town in Western PA, located an hour north of Pittsburgh

You say small, but did you know that by area Hermitage is actually the 3rd largest city in PA?(Also, I like that one of the high school mascots is a "Hickory Hornet", it sounds impressive. Thanks Wikipedia!) How did you end up at Ross?
I applied to all the Caribbean schools and was accepted to all, but I chose Ross because of the accelerated courses and the hands on experience (generic response).

Two can play that game:(generic question) Favorite thing about St. Kitts? 

That the number "Three" no longer exists, it is now "Tree".

Least Favorite?

I dislike how the buses drive soooo fast, one almost killed me. 

Yeah, they go about tree times the speed limit. What do you miss most about home? 
My sister and my cat named Pizza. And real pizza too!

I am not sure what is more hilarious: the fact that you made a birthday card for your cat or that he has a middle name. So if you could start your own restaurant, would it sell a lot of pizza? 

I would open a pastery shop because I have a HUGE sweet tooth and I enjoy baking. Also, I love the shows Ace of Cakes and Cake Boss, their cakes are amazing.

And the Cake Boss host is fairly dashing. Who was your first kiss with and how awesome was it?

My dog. It was pretty sloppy and I liked it. But seriously, it was when I was in 5th grade I kissed an experienced 6th grader under my friends ping pong table. Sparks were flying. Just kidding it was horrible and awkward.

I remember when I was in 5th grade and a 6th grader stole my girlfriend. I suppose girls are suckers for older men. Also, how did you end up together underneath a ping pong table??? That could be a whole story by itself.
Which animal would you be and why?
Definitely a poison dart frog because they're badass and they do it froggy style. Whatever the hell that is. 

Because this is a family column, I am afraid to comment on "froggy style." Is there a place where you wouldn't be caught dead?(and is the answer underneath a ping pong table?)
Naked on the Strip at tree in the morning. No explanation needed.

Wow, this interview just took a turn for the evocative. Side Note: Do not Google Image search the term "Naked on the Strip." Where is the best place to go camping and why? 
My backyard because if you had to tinkle you can just run inside rather than squatting behind a bush.

Maybe a little descriptive but I like the forward planning. Who is your celebrity crush?
John Travolta! Embarrassing confession, I have his picture framed in my bedroom back in the states. Danny Zuko in tight leather pants gets me hot and bothered.  

Is it just me, or does the Cake Boss look like a forty-something Zuko? Just for a second imagine that after Grease(Grease 2 never happened!) Danny settled down somewhere in Jersey, ditched the car racing/gangs/smoking and started baking (and eating) a lot of cake, but never lost his flair for performing. 25 years later he ends up with a TV show about making cakes right? I am just saying we have never seen the Cake Boss and John Travolta in the same place so I can't rule it out. What is a guilty pleasure you can't live without?(Is the answer Danny Zuko?) 
Eating candy of any kind, especially while studying.

Did you ever try the Spice Girls official candy? Which Spice Girl would you be and why? 
Baby Spice because no one can rock the high pigtails with bangs better than her.

Oh, Emma Bunton. You wouldn't believe how long it took me to find an appropriate picture of her. Lets change the subject before I get hot and bothered. Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
Married and knocked up at least tree times, with a successful practice, a house in the country with a lot of land and a variety of pets. Oh and a white picket fence.

Classic American dream. Many thanks to Janelle for her participation especially right before a test. Now if you will excuse me, with all this talk of Baby Spice, cakes, Danny Zuko, froggy style, and ping pong tables, I need to go take a cold shower...

Good Luck on Nutrition!

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