Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the third weekly installment of our 149 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class. 

This week: Kendra!

Where are you from?
I am from New Rochelle, New York. But since no one seems to know where that is lets just say I live in the suburbs right outside New York City. Lol.

Another New Yorker! There must be a lot of people there or something. How did you end up at Ross?
I ended up at Ross after being rejected from the other schools I applied to in the states. NOBODY WANTED ME!!!! TEAR!!!!! 

What do you like most about the veterinary profession?
I like the variety of jobs that you can get after getting a DVM degree. None of them sound boring so you know each and everyday no matter what you choose to do it will be interesting.

Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
My favorite thing about Saint Kitts is the currency rate. A few US dollars can go a long way down here. And of course the weather.

Its all about the Elizabeths. Least Favorite?
My least favorite thing about Saint Kitts is how early the sun goes down. Normally that only hopes during a certain time of year in the states. Here thats an everyday thing.

What do you miss most about home?
I miss my family and the FOOD! I've been craving a Big Mac and the Outbacks Bloomin Onion for weeks now.

I think everybody just drooled a little bit. Who is the person you respect most, and why?
I respect my mom the most. She always knows what to say when I need to hear it. And she's always gone above and beyond to make sure that I have as best a life as possible.

If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
If I could be any animal in the world it would be a Killer Whale. Hands down. I love them and my other dream job was to work as a trainer and do the live shows with them at Sea World for hundreds of people.
They are the Chuck Norris of the seas, excellent choice. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to, and why?
I don't think I would want to change my name. I mean, its not the most unique these days but its still a name a lot of people don't have or hear too often. I mean, I am the only Kendra currently in the school. I think. And possibly the island. So, I don't want to give that up. If anything I would just want a cool nickname other then Ken, thats for a boy. Not a girl.
I didn't even think to call you that, but now you have a new nickname Ken. Are you better than boys at video games?
I AM WAY BETTER AT VIDEO GAMES THEN GUYS. Or at least all the guys I have gone up against. I am the proud owner of a PS3, Wii, and PSP. Sadly, I wasn't able to bring any of that down with me this semester so its been awhile since I have played. So I might be a little rusty, but I will be making up for my lack of playing during the break. I always feel like if it doesn't work out with me being a vet I will become a video game tester/ designer or something. I'm just good at them like that and they're something I enjoy doing.
Time spent playing video games is inversely related with high grades at vet school so its probably a good thing you don't have them all here. Which Backstreet Boy is your favorite?
My favorite Backstreet Boy was Aj. He was like the dangerous one who was just wild and crazy, I loved it, you could just tell things would never be boring hanging out with him. And to top it all off he was still a pretty good singer.

Yeah he is. Wasn't he the one who ended up in rehab? Definitely not boring. I'm guessing he was your first crush?
My first crush was.............when I was 8 and I was crushing on my moms friend son. Who was like 5 years older. He was just so cool being a teenager and I was still a young girl. His name was Cj. And I'm still friends with him today. But of course those crush feelings are all gone.

He doesn't sound as wild and crazy, I'm not sure I like him as much as AJ. Also, I am thinking you have a thing for guys with two letter names ending in J. What was your best MacGyver moment?
Ummmm who is MacGyver? I honestly don't know.

Wow. You are missing out Ken. To wrap it up tell us what goal you want to accomplish the most in your lifetime?
The greatest goal in my lifetime would be to live a long life with my good friends and families surrounding me. Get married and start a family of my own all while enjoying life and Thanking God for everyday that he continues to give me of it.

Many thanks to Kendra for taking time away from her studying this week. Enjoy the test and good luck everybody! 

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