Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the sixth weekly installment of our 149 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class. 

This week: Kelly!

I should begin by warning you about the demon that appears to be living in your cat. Where are you from?
San Francisco

Finally a Left-Coaster! How did you end up at Ross?
I worked in SF exploring a variety of professions. A coworker of mine ended up here and it sounded like a good fit for me too.

And what do you like most about the veterinary profession?
Vets are primary care physicians, dentists, surgeons and our patients are, for the most part, cute and fluffy. What is better then that?

Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
The drunken monkeys. My machete.


I hope all of our male readers are taking notes. Least Favorite?
The Miss Kitty slot machine at the Marriott. I’ve lost about $100 US and only won 0.05 cents in a voucher that I couldn’t even redeem. But I cant stop playing it. Its like my crack.

Obsessed with the only feline based slot machine in the casino? I am getting a little bit of the "cat person" vibe from you right now. (Side note: Parents should be aware that going to vet school does not involve gambling student loan money away nor does it involve spending that money on "crack" cocaine.) What do you miss most about home?
The food!

Since it is Thanksgiving, I am going to refrain from posting gratuitous fast food pics this week. If you could start your own restaurant, what would it be?
Since I almost went culinary school I’ve actually given this one some thought. I’d like a little place with local food from my garden and a decent classic cocktail list.

Spoken like a true San Franciscan. I have yet to meet someone from SF that doesn't like cooking and gardening. What is your favorite hobby?
Cooking, reading, playing with kittens.

Now everybody loves pictures of cute kittens, no matter where you are from. Who was your first kiss with and how awesome was it?
Spin the bottle. 5th Grade. I thought it was awesome. He thought not and told me so.

That's probably the best part about kittens, they don't judge when you go through awkward adolescent years. Also, it is probably a good thing you didn't have a machete back then. What is a guilty pleasure you cant live without?
Cat videos on you tube.

...and I just spent the last 40 mins caught in that trap. Probably a good idea to avoid that endless stream of YouTube videos. When you do get out, what is your idea of a romantic evening?
Good drinks, good food, a walk on the beach. Then we talk about kittens and there is a shooting star.

Sounds like a dream date for all the machete wielding cat lovers out there. What is your biggest personality flaw?
Well I know it isn't my love of kittens, that’s for sure.

Of course not, but how many kittens are too many kittens?
Is this a trick question?

More of a philosophical one, but either way you should probably check out this article. We will go out on this one: Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
Practicing at an all cat practice in SF!

I think we all can see you there too. Now, play us off Keyboard Cat!

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody! See you next week!

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