Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Student Spotlight Wednesday: Better Know a Ross Student

This is the fifth weekly installment of our 149 part series, "Better Know a Ross Student". Every week on Wednesday we will be introducing another member of our fantastic class. 

This week: Keith!

Where are you from?
Dillon, South Carolina

Ooooh, kind of like the SC version of the Texas town in Friday Night Lights? Good movie. How did you end up at Ross?

A few friends from college (Clemson University) came here and had great things to say. Tried for 3 years to get into a continental school but was unsuccessful (could not be happier about that).

What do you like most about the veterinary profession? 
The feeling of success and completion after taking a problem and, as a team, applying your skill and knowledge and thereby finding a solution which improves not only the quality of life of the animal but also the lives of the people that that animal touches throughout the rest of his/her life.

What makes a successful RUSVM student? 
Honesty and teamwork

Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
The volcano, the beaches, and one beautiful girl in particular.

Do you mean Trevicia Adams, winner of the 2010 Miss St. Kitts pagaent and the federation's representative at the recent Miss Global International Beauty Pageant? I see you have been taking in the scenery here. Least Favorite thing about St. Kitts?
Lack of Wendy's triple cheeseburgers

I think we all miss those. What do you miss most about home? And please don't make me post more pictures of delicious fast food...
Zaxby's chicken wings

I need to change the subject away from food. What breed of dog are you most like and why?
Siberian Husky - I whine a lot at times and when I'm sick I am the biggest pansy. I love the cold and I have a big heart.

Cuddly choice. Who was your first kiss with and how awesome was it?
Brandi Arnett in K-5. Not only did we both get sent to the principal's office but my nickname from that point on was "Hot Lips".

Ha! That would also be a great WWE alter ego. If you were to perform in the circus, what would you do and why?
Ring leader - I am an Alpha.

Sure you are, Hot Lips. Describe your fighting style.
I'm a lover not a fighter

Exactly my point. If you were a cruise ship tourist on a bus that was being robbed on Brimstone Hill, what would you do?
Ask for a picture with the all of the gunman for my scrapbook

That would make for fantastic vacation memories. Also, no one reading is surprised to find out that you scrapbook. Describe your perfect Sunday.
Sleep in, ice cream for breakfast. Buffalo chicken dip, football, then beach. More football with steak and spicy buffalo wings. Finally ice cream just before bed.

Incidentally, that is also the answer to "How do you keep your gf/wife happy on a Sunday while still watching a ton of football?" What is a guilty pleasure you can't live without?
Ice cream and people watching

I am so hungry now, one more question and then its snack time. Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
After making billions of dollars and not only paying off my student loans but all the loans of my fellow classmates, I volunteer my expert surgical experience in 3rd world countries all over the world while teaching the locals the importance of proper animal care and husbandry. 

Many thanks to "Hot Lips" Keith for taking the time and for the future dollars, its nice to not have to worry about the money anymore!

See you all next week!

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